Security Transfer Australia

Security Transfer Australia
20 Jan: Security Transfer Australia has been acquired by Automic Group.

Security Transfer Australia manages the registry for about 10% of the ASX.
While their reach is wide, most are small and micro-cap companies with only a few nudging $1b (e.g. SFR).
Reasons to contact a Share Registry include:
- Confirm your share holdings
- Replace lost paperwork
- Change your address for company correspondence
- Update TFN details
- Provide dividend payment instructions
- Change communication options (e.g. post or email)
How to access your Security Transfer Australia holdings
1) Click "Investor Portal”
2) Enter your details
The SRN / HIN can be found on your most recent holding statement or share certificate. It’s 11 characters long an usually starts with an "X” or "I”.
3) Holding Summary
From here you can see the summary of your holdings and navigate to all shareholding management features.
4) Links
Navigate to any shareholding management feature by using the tab on the right.
Website Sections
Most changes to your account will require a form to be signed and returned.
What is a Share Registry?
A share registry is an organisation that helps a company manage their list of shareholders. Responsibilities include maintaining an accurate record of shareholder transactions, issuing holding statements and managing dividend payments.
All ASX listed companies have a dedicated share registry that shareholders can contact about their holdings.
Long gone are the days where shareholders receive a share certificate in the mail to prove their holdings.
Shares are now digitally held on HIN (with a stockbroker) or SRN (with the registry). No matter which way your shares are held, you remain the beneficial owner, even if the stockbroker or registry goes bankrupt. Look at the first character of your SRN/HIN on your most recent Holding Statement:
- An "X” indicates your shares are held on CHESS under a HIN (Holder Identification Number) with a stockbroker.
- An "I” indicates your shares are held ISSUER SPONSORED under an SRN (Security Reference Number) with a share registry.
If you hold shares on CHESS then your stockbroker should be your first point of contact for any queries regarding your holdings. They will liaise with the registry on your behalf and can confirm with 100% certainty the number of shares you hold on that HIN.
If you hold shares Issuer Sponsored then you will need to contact the registry for anything related to your holdings (e.g. address changes, confirm holdings etc.).