Timah Resources Ltd (tml) Logo

Timah Resources Ltd (TML)

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Timah Resources Limited (TML) creates value through the generation of biogas renewable energy undertaken by its wholly owned Malaysian-based subsidiary, Mistral Engineering Sdn Bhd (Mistral). Mistral is a green technology company that produces green power from Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME).

Share Price Activity (ASX)

Last (Price)
Change 0.00 (0.00)
Bid / Ask -
Volume (4w avg)
Day Range -
Prev Close
Last Trade


1 Week
1 Month
2024 YTD
1 Year
vs Sector (1yr) +55.58%
vs ASX 200 (1yr) +52.94%


Market Cap Question Mark Icon
Excludes mandatory escrowed shares and foreign shares.
ASX Rank 2,152 of 2,357
Sector Rank 28 of 30

Key Fundamentals

Shares Issued
Sector Utilities
Similar Companies EE1 / RNE / CCE
EPS $0.012
DPS $0.00
Book Value Per Share $0.093

Broker Consensus

TML is not covered by a major broker, or data from most recent compilation was omitted due to not meeting QA guidelines.


Price Sensitive only

Corporate Overview

Corporate Details

Head Office Crows Nest NSW 2065
Website www.timahresources.com.au
Registry BoardRoom
Auditor KS Black & Co. Chartered Accountants
Date Listed 16 Sep 2015

Upcoming Calendar (Forecasted)

Date Event
25/02/2025 Report (Prelim)
24/03/2025 Report (Annual)
28/08/2025 Report (Interim)

Former Company Names

  • Timah Resources Ltd has no former company names.

Dividend History

DPS and Yield calculations use the Pay Date.

Ex-Date Amount Franking Gross Type Payable
No dividends paid.

See Upcoming Dividends for all ASX companies.

Directors & Management



Director Interests

The current holdings of TML directors.

Director Last Notice Direct Shares Indirect Shares Options Convertibles
Siu Mah 20/11/2024 0 N/A N/A N/A
Dato' Seri Mah Seng 25/03/2024 61,952,811 N/A N/A N/A
Tan Sri King Mah 25/03/2024 61,952,811 N/A N/A N/A
Derrick De Souza 25/03/2024 14,000 N/A N/A N/A
Jack Tan 25/03/2024 473,372 68,001 N/A N/A
Li-Na Mah 08/06/2018 0 N/A N/A N/A
Soong Koon 16/09/2015 0 N/A N/A N/A
Chong Hoe (Billy) Lee 16/09/2015 0 N/A N/A N/A

Shareholder Info

Top 20 Shareholders

Data supplied by Morningstar and accurate on Dec 31, 2023.

It's not possible to publish a real-time Top 20 Shareholder list. Companies are not obliged to report this data (with the exception of Substantial Shareholders above 5%). If a company chooses to publish the data, it's usually once a year in their Annual Report.

All data is manually compiled so there might be a delay between the Annual Report being published and the data appearing on Market Index (<7 days for ASX 300 and up to 30 days for micro-caps).

Name Shares Capital
Cash Nexus M Sdn Bhd 61,952,811 69.80%
Timah Pasir Sdn Bhd 3,000,000 3.38%
Mrs. Phaik Suan Kang 2,000,000 2.25%
Cheng Lye Khoo 1,849,979 2.08%
Mrs. Kim Sim Ong 1,800,000 2.03%
Mr. Albert Khoo 1,630,250 1.84%
Ms. Soon Gaik Khoo 1,450,000 1.63%
Double M Trading Pty Ltd 1,140,000 1.28%
Bnp Paribas Nominees Pty Ltd 1,000,332 1.13%
Mr. Teo Tiew 1,000,000 1.13%
Lawrence Nguyen Nominees 873,371 0.98%
Unilease Capital Sdn Bhd 650,000 0.73%
Hai Minh Nguyen 648,372 0.73%
Binh Thanh Hai Nguyen 475,001 0.54%
Mr. Jack Tian Hock Tan 473,372 0.53%
Investra Pty Ltd 400,000 0.45%
Ms. Heather Margaret Mansfield 305,500 0.34%
Mr. Lawrence Nguyen 250,001 0.28%
Mr. Somchai Tongsumrith 233,333 0.26%
Mr. Rodney James Huey 200,000 0.22%

Shareholder Distribution

As reported in the most recent Annual Report.

Holding Size 1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 100,000 100,001+ Total
No. of Shareholders 5 46 314 83 28 476

Substantial Shareholders

A substantial shareholder is a person or entity that owns 5% or more of the voting shares in a company. Shares can be held through multiple entities, so the Substantial Shareholders list differs from the Top 20 Shareholders list.

Shareholding changes less than 1% do not require notification to the market. When all “Last Notice” dates are identical, it suggests that no (or minimal) change has occurred since the most recent Annual Report.

Note: If a substantial shareholder's stake drops below 5%, the "Shareholders Selling" field shows full ownership as sold and sets "New %" to zero, even if they continue to hold shares under the limit.

Name Last Notice Total Shares Shares Held (%)
Cash Nexus (M) Sdn. Bhd. 31/12/2023 61,952,811 69.80

Shareholders Buying

12 month transaction history compiled from ASX announcements.

No buy transactions reported by Substantial Shareholders in the past 12 months.

Shareholders Selling

12 month transaction history compiled from ASX announcements.

No sell transactions reported by Substantial Shareholders in the past 12 months.

Historical Data

Share Price History

Date Close Change %Chg Open High Low Volume Turnover

Historical Data

Year Closing Price Last Trade
2024 $0.03 28 June
2023 $0.042 30 June
2022 $0.075 30 June
2021 $0.067 30 June
2020 $0.045 30 June
2019 $0.051 28 June
2018 $0.05 29 June
2017 $0.07 30 June
2016 $0.05 30 June
TML Historical Price Data (CSV)
Up to 20 years of EOD share price history

Important note:

All year-end and CSV data is "as traded on the day" and ignores corporate actions (e.g. share splits)

Market Index, ASX and Morningstar Logos

All data on this page is supplied by the ASX, Morningstar and Market Index. Read the disclaimer.