Cardiex Ltd (cdx) Logo

Cardiex Ltd (CDX)

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Cardiex Limited (CDX) mission is to improve longevity through medical technology focused on vascular health. The company develops products that include medical devices, home health devices, and digital solutions for hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and vascular health disorders, based on its SphygmoCor vascular biomarker technology.

Share Price Activity (ASX)

Last (Price)
Change 0.00 (0.00)
Bid / Ask -
Volume (4w avg)
Day Range -
Prev Close
Last Trade


1 Week
1 Month
2025 YTD
1 Year
vs Sector (1yr) -7.51%
vs ASX 200 (1yr) -14.35%


Market Cap Question Mark Icon
Excludes mandatory escrowed shares and foreign shares.
ASX Rank 1,158 of 2,342
Sector Rank 99 of 231

Key Fundamentals

Shares Issued
Sector Healthcare
Similar Companies CVB / MX1 / CMP
EPS -$0.034
DPS $0.00
Book Value Per Share $0.01

Broker Consensus

CDX is not covered by a major broker, or data from most recent compilation was omitted due to not meeting QA guidelines.


Price Sensitive only

Corporate Overview

Corporate Details

Head Office Sydney NSW 2000
Registry Automic Group
Auditor BDO Audit Pty Ltd
Date Listed 9 Nov 2005

Upcoming Calendar (Forecasted)

Date Event
27/02/2025 Report (Interim)
29/08/2025 Report (Prelim)
29/09/2025 Report (Annual)

Former Company Names

  • AtCor Medical Holdings Limited (ACG), 15/06/2018

Dividend History

DPS and Yield calculations use the Pay Date.

Ex-Date Amount Franking Gross Type Payable
No dividends paid.

See Upcoming Dividends for all ASX companies.

Directors & Management



Director Transactions

CDX directors must report any change in shareholding to the ASX within 5 business days.

See Director Transactions for all ASX companies.

Date Director Type Amount Price Value Notes
30/12/24 Randall Nelson Issued 1,000,000 $0.096 $96,000 Issue of options
30/12/24 Charlie Taylor Issued 1,000,000 $0.096 $96,000 Issue of options
30/12/24 Niall Cairns Issued 23,661,525 $0.096 $2,271,506 Conversion of securities
30/12/24 Niall Cairns Issued 70,984,575 $0.08 $5,678,766 Conversion of securities
30/12/24 Niall Cairns Transfer 1,000,000 $0.096 $96,000 Off-market transfer
30/12/24 Niall Cairns Transfer 1,000,000 $0.096 $96,000 Off-market transfer
30/12/24 Craig Cooper Issued 22,447,916 $0.096 $2,154,999 Conversion of securities
30/12/24 Craig Cooper Issued 63,328,325 $0.08 $5,066,266 Conversion of securities
30/12/24 Craig Cooper Issued 4,015,425 $0.08 $321,234 Conversion of securities
02/12/24 Niall Cairns Buy +1,000,000 $0.095 $95,000 Conversion of securities
02/12/24 Niall Cairns Exercise 1,000,000 $0.095 $95,000 Conversion of securities
02/12/24 Craig Cooper Buy +1,000,000 $0.095 $95,000 Conversion of securities
02/12/24 Craig Cooper Exercise 1,000,000 $0.095 $95,000 Conversion of securities
05/04/24 Niall Cairns Transfer 1,964,813 $0.075 $147,360 Off-market transfer
05/04/24 Niall Cairns Transfer 5,894,438 $0.075 $442,082 Off-market transfer
05/04/24 Craig Cooper Transfer 5,894,438 $0.075 $442,082 Off-market transfer
05/04/24 Craig Cooper Transfer 5,894,438 $0.075 $442,082 Off-market transfer
26/02/24 Craig Cooper Expiry 150,000 $0.081 $12,150 Options expired
26/02/24 Niall Cairns Expiry 150,000 $0.081 $12,150 Options expired
26/02/24 Randall Nelson Expiry 150,000 $0.081 $12,150 Options expired
26/02/24 Randall Nelson Cancelled 350,000 $0.081 $28,350 Cancellation of securities
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 3,600,902 $0.135 $486,121 Conversion of convertible notes
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 6,985,147 $0.135 $942,994 Rights issue
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 3,291,667 $0.135 $444,375 Placement
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 9,875,000 $0.08 $790,000 Placement
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 20,568,674 $0.08 $1,645,493 Rights issue
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 9,375,000 $0.08 $750,000 Conversion of convertible notes
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 177,702 $0.08 $14,216 Rights issue
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 1,250,000 $0.08 $100,000 Conversion of convertible notes
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Issued 209,060 $0.08 $16,724 Rights issue
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 3,125,000 $0.135 $421,875 Conversion of convertible notes
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 6,856,225 $0.135 $925,590 Rights issue
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 9,875,000 $0.08 $790,000 Placement
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 20,568,674 $0.08 $1,645,493 Rights issue
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Expiry 6,800,000 $0.135 $918,000 As advised by the company
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Expiry 1,000,000 $0.135 $135,000 Options expired
07/02/24 Niall Cairns Exercise 850,000 $1.00 $850,000 Conversion of convertible notes
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 39,068,674 $0.135 $5,274,270 Placement
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 3,291,667 $0.135 $444,375 Placement
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Issued 9,375,000 $0.08 $750,000 Conversion of convertible notes
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Expiry 1,000,000 $0.135 $135,000 Options expired
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Cancelled 6,800,000 $0.135 $918,000 Cancellation of securities
07/02/24 Craig Cooper Exercise 750,000 $1.00 $750,000 Conversion of convertible notes
08/09/23 Jarrod White Issued 500,000 $0.155 $77,500 Issue of options
08/09/23 Niall Cairns Issued 1,700,000 $0.155 $263,500 Issue of options
08/09/23 Niall Cairns Issued 850,000 $1.00 $850,000 As advised by the company
08/09/23 Craig Cooper Issued 1,500,000 $0.155 $232,500 Issue of options
08/09/23 Craig Cooper Issued 750,000 $1.00 $750,000 As advised by the company
08/09/23 Jarrod White Issued 250,000 $1.00 $250,000 As advised by the company
16/12/22 Niall Cairns Issued 3,000,000 $0.30 $900,000 Issue of securities
16/12/22 Niall Cairns Issued 1,000,000 $0.37 $370,000 Placement
16/12/22 Niall Cairns Issued 3,000,000 $0.153 $459,823 Issue of securities
16/12/22 Lesa Musatto Issued 500,000 $0.03 $15,000 Director remuneration
16/12/22 Jarrod White Issued 111,444 $0.37 $41,234 Placement
16/12/22 Jarrod White Issued 334,331 $0.30 $100,299 Placement
16/12/22 Jarrod White Issued 117,998 $0.297 $35,000 Director remuneration
16/12/22 Jarrod White Issued 750,000 $0.153 $114,956 Issue of securities
16/12/22 Craig Cooper Issued 1,000,000 $0.37 $370,000 Placement
16/12/22 Craig Cooper Issued 3,000,000 $0.30 $900,000 Placement
16/12/22 Craig Cooper Issued 3,000,000 $0.153 $459,823 Issue of securities
19/04/22 Craig Cooper Cancelled 1,600,000 $0.40 $640,000 Cancellation of securities
13/01/22 Jarrod White Issued 510,205 $0.069 $35,000 Director remuneration
30/11/21 Jarrod White Buy +397,728 $0.05 $19,886 Exercise of options
30/11/21 Jarrod White Exercise 397,728 $0.05 $19,886 Exercise of options
30/11/21 Niall Cairns Transfer 6,000,000 $0.052 $312,000 Off-market transfer
30/11/21 Niall Cairns Sell +2,000,000 $0.052 ($104,000) Off-market trade
30/11/21 Niall Cairns Buy +7,831,467 $0.03 $234,944 Conversion of convertible notes
30/11/21 Niall Cairns Exercise 234,944 $1.00 $234,944 Conversion of convertible notes
30/11/21 Niall Cairns Buy +19,920,455 $0.05 $996,022 Exercise of options
30/11/21 Niall Cairns Exercise 19,920,455 $0.05 $996,022 Exercise of options
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Expiry 8,000,000 $0.052 $416,000 As advised by the company
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Transfer 6,000,000 $0.052 $312,000 Off-market transfer
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Sell +2,000,000 $0.052 ($104,000) Off-market trade
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Buy +12,000,000 $0.052 $624,000 Conversion of securities
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Buy +7,831,467 $0.03 $234,944 Conversion of convertible notes
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Exercise 12,000,000 $0.052 $624,000 Conversion of securities
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Exercise 234,944 $1.00 $234,944 Conversion of convertible notes
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Buy +19,920,455 $0.05 $996,022 Exercise of options
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Exercise 19,920,455 $0.05 $996,022 Exercise of options
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Transfer 6,000,000 $0.052 $312,000 Off-market transfer
30/11/21 Craig Cooper Transfer 6,000,000 $0.052 $312,000 Off-market transfer
25/10/21 Niall Cairns Buy +20,000,000 $0.05 $1,000,000 Exercise of options
25/10/21 Niall Cairns Exercise 20,000,000 $0.05 $1,000,000 Exercise of options
25/10/21 Craig Cooper Buy +20,000,000 $0.05 $1,000,000 Exercise of options
25/10/21 Craig Cooper Exercise 20,000,000 $0.05 $1,000,000 Exercise of options
12/01/21 Niall Cairns Issued 4,420,455 $0.078 $344,795 Issue of options
12/01/21 Niall Cairns Exercise 197,444 $2.61 $516,250 Conversion of convertible notes
12/01/21 Niall Cairns Buy +1,010,475 $0.049 $49,292 On-market trade
12/01/21 Niall Cairns Buy +18,281,816 $0.028 $516,250 Conversion of convertible notes
12/01/21 Niall Cairns Issued 68,000,000 $0.078 $5,304,000 Issue of securities
12/01/21 Craig Cooper Issued 4,420,455 $0.078 $344,795 Issue of options
12/01/21 Craig Cooper Exercise 197,444 $2.61 $516,250 Conversion of convertible notes
12/01/21 Craig Cooper Buy +18,281,816 $0.028 $516,250 Conversion of convertible notes
12/01/21 Craig Cooper Issued 68,000,000 $0.078 $5,304,000 Issue of securities
12/01/21 Jarrod White Issued 1,600,000 $0.038 $60,000 Participation in share purchase plan
12/01/21 Jarrod White Issued 21,000,000 $0.078 $1,638,000 Issue of securities
12/01/21 Randall Nelson Issued 3,500,000 $0.078 $273,000 Issue of securities
05/10/20 Niall Cairns Buy +589,525 $0.048 $28,012 On-market trade
21/11/19 Craig Cooper Issued 21,343,425 $0.03 $640,303 Conversion of convertible notes
21/11/19 Niall Cairns Issued 21,343,425 $0.03 $640,303 Conversion of convertible notes
21/11/19 Craig Cooper Exercise 640,303 $1.00 $640,303 Conversion of convertible notes
21/11/19 Niall Cairns Exercise 640,303 $1.00 $640,303 Conversion of convertible notes
07/03/19 Craig Cooper Issued 8,000,000 $0.026 $209,337 Conversion of securities
07/03/19 Craig Cooper Buy +861,497 $1.00 $861,497 Purchase of convertibles
07/03/19 Niall Cairns Issued 8,000,000 $0.026 $209,337 Conversion of securities
07/03/19 Niall Cairns Buy +861,769 $1.00 $861,769 Purchase of convertibles
07/03/19 Craig Cooper Exercise 8,000,000 $0.049 $392,000 Conversion of securities
07/03/19 Niall Cairns Issued 54,616,769 $0.026 $1,429,166 Conversion of convertible notes
07/03/19 Craig Cooper Issued 54,616,769 $0.026 $1,429,166 Conversion of convertible notes
07/03/19 Craig Cooper Buy +20,000,000 $0.049 $980,000 As advised by the company
05/06/18 Donal O'Dwyer Issued 2,500,000 $0.027 $67,500 Placement
05/06/18 Donal O'Dwyer Issued 5,000,000 $0.02 $100,000 Placement
01/06/18 Craig Cooper Issued 37,500,000 $0.029 $1,087,500 Issue of options
01/06/18 Craig Cooper Issued 75,000,000 $0.02 $1,500,000 Issue of securities
01/06/18 Niall Cairns Issued 75,000,000 $0.02 $1,500,000 Issue of securities
30/11/17 Michael O'Rourke Transfer 5,670,370 $0.026 $147,430 Off-market transfer
22/09/17 Michael O'Rourke Buy +925,925 $0.027 $25,000 Participation in share purchase plan
22/09/17 Donal O'Dwyer Buy +1,111,110 $2.70 $2,999,998 Participation in share purchase plan
22/09/17 Donal O'Dwyer Buy +1,111,110 $2.70 $2,999,998 Participation in share purchase plan
23/12/16 David Brookes Buy +307,692 $0.065 $20,000 As advised by the company
23/12/16 David Brookes Transfer 174,082 $0.069 $12,012 Off-market transfer
23/12/16 Randall Nelson Buy +153,846 $0.065 $10,000 As advised by the company
23/12/16 Donal O'Dwyer Buy +1,538,462 $0.065 $100,000 As advised by the company
21/10/16 Duncan Ross Buy +1,500,000 $0.084 $126,000 Exercise of options
21/06/16 Duncan Ross Buy +1,000,000 $0.084 $84,000 Exercise of options
21/06/16 Duncan Ross Exercise 1,000,000 $0.084 $84,000 Exercise of options
13/11/15 Michael O'Rourke Issued 450,000 $0.215 $96,750 Issue of options
13/11/15 David Brookes Issued 450,000 $0.215 $96,750 Issue of options
13/11/15 Donal O'Dwyer Issued 650,000 $0.215 $139,750 Issue of options
13/11/15 Duncan Ross Issued 1,000,000 $0.215 $215,000 Issue of options
23/07/15 Peter Jenkins Issued 120,940 $0.18 $21,769 Rights issue
23/07/15 Michael O'Rourke Issued 330,000 $0.18 $59,400 Rights issue
23/07/15 Donal O'Dwyer Issued 411,733 $0.18 $74,112 Rights issue
23/07/15 David Brookes Issued 15,826 $0.18 $2,849 Rights issue
23/07/15 David Brookes Issued 237,489 $0.18 $42,748 Rights issue

Director Interests

The current holdings of CDX directors.

Director Last Notice Direct Shares Indirect Shares Options Convertibles
Charlie Taylor 30/12/2024 0 N/A 1,000,000 N/A
Randall Nelson 30/12/2024 15,385 N/A 1,500,000 N/A
Craig Cooper 30/12/2024 11,509,863 122,776,955 37,220,808 N/A
Niall Cairns 30/12/2024 1,000,000 62,195,392 37,215,193 N/A

Shareholder Info

Top 20 Shareholders

Data supplied by Morningstar and accurate on Sep 27, 2024.

It's not possible to publish a real-time Top 20 Shareholder list. Companies are not obliged to report this data (with the exception of Substantial Shareholders above 5%). If a company chooses to publish the data, it's usually once a year in their Annual Report.

All data is manually compiled so there might be a delay between the Annual Report being published and the data appearing on Market Index (<7 days for ASX 300 and up to 30 days for micro-caps).

Name Shares Capital
C2 Ventures Pty Limited 59,448,630 20.21%
Mr John Charles Plummer 17,843,316 6.07%
Mr Darryl Patterson & Mrs Margaret Stewart Patterson 10,267,877 3.49%
Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 10,256,094 3.49%
Towns Corporation Pty Ltd <PAE Family A/C> 8,650,000 2.94%
Mr Paul Cozzi 7,266,821 2.47%
Ms Krista O'Sullivan 7,005,000 2.38%
Mr Craig Cooper & Mrs Maria Cooper 6,494,438 2.21%
J P Morgan Nominees Australia Pty Limited 6,276,858 2.13%
Crave Capital Pty Ltd 6,250,000 2.12%
Ubs Nominees Pty Ltd 4,874,685 1.66%
Dixson Trust Pty Ltd 4,229,423 1.44%
Mr Paul Joseph Cozzi 3,997,000 1.36%
Braidwood White Pty Ltd <The Braidwood-White A/C> 3,517,815 1.20%
Mr Paul Alexander Ehrlich & Mrs Lauren Stacey Ehrlich <Pae & Lse Super Fund A/C> 3,488,250 1.19%
Sr Miljkovic Super Pty Ltd <Sr Miljkovic S/F A/C> 3,475,332 1.18%
Alianda Oaks Pty Ltd <Resource Surveys Invest A/C> 3,250,000 1.10%
Mr Lawrence Wing Ming Ho & Mrs Ying Ho <L&Y Family Super Fund A/C> 3,125,000 1.06%
Angelo Sklavos 2,860,000 0.97%
Scintilla Strategic Investments Limited 2,000,000 0.68%

Shareholder Distribution

As reported in the most recent Annual Report.

Holding Size 1 - 1,000 1,001 - 5,000 5,001 - 10,000 10,001 - 100,000 100,001+ Total
No. of Shareholders 392 660 321 671 269 2,313

Substantial Shareholders

A substantial shareholder is a person or entity that owns 5% or more of the voting shares in a company. Shares can be held through multiple entities, so the Substantial Shareholders list differs from the Top 20 Shareholders list.

Shareholding changes less than 1% do not require notification to the market. When all “Last Notice” dates are identical, it suggests that no (or minimal) change has occurred since the most recent Annual Report.

Note: If a substantial shareholder's stake drops below 5%, the "Shareholders Selling" field shows full ownership as sold and sets "New %" to zero, even if they continue to hold shares under the limit.

Name Last Notice Total Shares Shares Held (%)
John Charles Plummer 27/09/2024 17,843,316 6.07
C2 Ventures Pty Ltd 30/12/2024 145,689,830 35.95
Regal Funds Management Pty Ltd 30/12/2024 24,132,898 5.96

Shareholders Buying

12 month transaction history compiled from ASX announcements.

Date Name Bought Previous % New %
30-12-24 C2 Ventures Pty Ltd 77,000,000 23.35 35.95
24-12-24 Regal Funds Management Pty Ltd 24,132,898 -- 7.31
25-03-24 Bank of America Corporation and its related bodies corporate 20,847,625 -- 7.09

Shareholders Selling

12 month transaction history compiled from ASX announcements.

Date Name Sold Previous % New %
02-12-24 Regal Funds Management Pty Ltd 17,766,683 6.04 --
04-10-24 Regal Funds Management Pty Ltd 3,650,730 7.28 6.04
27-05-24 Bank of America Corporation and its related bodies corporate 15,904,246 5.41 --
26-04-24 Bank of America Corporation and its related bodies corporate 4,943,379 7.09 5.41
18-04-24 Regal Funds Management Pty Ltd 3,629,664 8.51 7.28

Historical Data

Share Price History

Date Close Change %Chg Open High Low Volume Turnover

Historical Data

Year Closing Price Last Trade
2024 $0.07 28 June
2023 $0.155 30 June
2022 $0.31 30 June
2021 $0.071 30 June
2020 $0.021 30 June
2019 $0.026 28 June
2018 $0.026 29 June
2017 $0.035 30 June
2016 $0.125 30 June
2015 $0.18 30 June
2014 $0.094 30 June
CDX Historical Price Data (CSV)
Up to 20 years of EOD share price history

Important note:

All year-end and CSV data is "as traded on the day" and ignores corporate actions (e.g. share splits)

Market Index, ASX and Morningstar Logos

All data on this page is supplied by the ASX, Morningstar and Market Index. Read the disclaimer.