Otakar Demis
Tribune Resources Limited | Company Secretary, Non Executive Chairman & Director
Companies and Roles
Company | Date | Type | Amount | Price | Value | Notes |
Tribune Resources Limited | 27/12/18 | Sell | 13,160,519 | $4.000 | $52,642,076 | As advised by the company. No relevant interest arises by reason of Mr Demis' position as a director of Rand, by reason of s.609(9) of the Act. |
Tribune Resources Limited | 11/05/16 | Transfer | 31,615 | $6.300 | $199,174 | Off-market transfer. |
Tribune Resources Limited | 30/09/14 | Transfer | 70,000 | $2.900 | $203,000 | Off-market transfer. |
Tribune Resources Limited | 20/02/14 | Sell | 9,000 | $2.690 | $24,210 | On-market transfer. |
Tribune Resources Limited | 18/02/14 | Sell | 1,000 | $2.690 | $2,690 | On-market trade. |
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