Caravel Minerals (ASX:CVV) has today confirmed two separate results providing evidence of mineralisation on-site the company’s copper plays on-site its Bindi acreage.
Assay results for drill holes 21CARC133-137, and, 22CAR001-008, show good continuity of the mineralised zone along strike and downdip across the company’s Bindi East, Bindi Hinge and Bindi West positions.
A second set of assay results for a third drill hole at Bindi Far East shows yet further significant mineralisation 300m to the east of the Bindi East target. Caravel Minerals states results on the third target, in drill hole 22CAR009-0014, reflect mineralisation that extends north for 700m of the South-East synform.
The third drill target, comprising drill holes 22CAR009-0014, was an exploratory target Caravel Minerals focused on in recent RC percussion drilling—results provide evidence for a potential up-dip extension of the Bindi Lower Limb bearing copper hosting geology.
Caravel Minerals aimed the RCs at an area that showed anomalies in an earlier aircore drill run, suggesting extensions of the Bindi Lower Limb. The Lower Limb has been interpreted based on structural measurements from diamond drill core, and the most recent assay results give evidence to the company’s suspicions sulphide mineralisation extends on-site in commercial quantities.
Among the latest assay results is included 126m @ 0.29% copper between 30-156m in 21CARC133; 136m @ 0.33% copper between 44-180m in 21CARC134 and 88m @ 0.36% copper between 30-118m.
This is far from an extensive list—Caravel Minerals has noted fourteen separate intersections from its latest assay that underline the company’s confidence in the commercial viability of the Bindi Copper project.
Maravel Minerals continues to await further assay results for several targets, including diamond core drilling at the Dasher target, and further diamond core results at Bindi; RC percussion drilling results for Bindi West, and aircore results for drill holes 22CAAC027-120 peripheral to the Bindi Deposit.
The company also continues to await AC assay results for its Dalwallinu project.
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