Dr Riddell has more than 24 years experience in this industry. He has spent time at Board level building companies, raising money and negotiating corporate deals. From 2006 to 2007, he held the position of Non-executive Chairman at Surface Therapeutics prior to its sale to Serentis in September 2007. From 2005, he was Chief Executive Officer of Paradigm Therapeutics where he achieved a trade sale to Takeda Pharmaceutical Corporation in March 2007. Prior to Paradigm, he was Chief Executive Officer of Pharmagene for seven years, during which time he listed the company on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. He has also held senior positions with Celltech, Centocor and Amersham International in clinical development before moving to sales and marketing. He began his professional career as a medical doctor with six years, experience in a variety of hospital specialties and in general practice. He is an active Board member of the BIA, a position he has held from 2000 to 2006 and recently re-elected to serve for the 2008 term. In November 2007, he joined the Board of Sareum Holdings plc as Non-executive Director.