Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd (cob) Logo

Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd (COB)

___:___ · Basic Materials
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Cobalt Blue Holdings Limited (COB) is a green energy cobalt development and technology group focusing on developing cobalt mining and refining operations in Australia. The company focus on progressing the Broken Hill Cobalt Project (BHCP), near Broken Hill, NSW, the Kwinana Refinery Project (KRP) and cobalt in waste streams projects (CWSP).

Share Price Activity (ASX)

Last (Price)
Change 0.00 (0.00)
Bid / Ask -
Volume (4w avg)
Day Range -
Prev Close
Last Trade


1 Week
1 Month
2024 YTD
1 Year
vs Sector (1yr) -67.92%
vs ASX 200 (1yr) -82.41%


Market Cap Question Mark Icon
Excludes mandatory escrowed shares and foreign shares.
ASX Rank 1,286 of 2,356
Sector Rank 382 of 1,025

Key Fundamentals

Shares Issued
Sector Basic Materials
Similar Companies LEL / JRV / SRZ
EPS -$0.016
DPS $0.00
Book Value Per Share $0.156

Broker Consensus

COB is not covered by a major broker, or data from most recent compilation was omitted due to not meeting QA guidelines.


Price Sensitive only

Corporate Overview

Corporate Details

Head Office North Sydney NSW 2060
Registry Computershare
Auditor Nexia Sydney Audit Pty Limited
Date Listed 2 Feb 2017

Upcoming Calendar (Forecasted)

Date Event
29/10/2024 Report (Quarterly)
28/01/2025 Report (Quarterly)
28/04/2025 Report (Quarterly)
23/07/2025 Report (Quarterly)

Former Company Names

  • Cobalt Blue Holdings Ltd has no former company names.

Dividend History

DPS and Yield calculations use the Pay Date.

Ex-Date Amount Franking Gross Type Payable
No dividends paid.

See Upcoming Dividends for all ASX companies.

Directors & Management



Director Transactions

COB directors must report any change in shareholding to the ASX within 5 business days.

See Director Transactions for all ASX companies.

Date Director Type Amount Price Value Notes
25/07/24 Josef Kaderavek Issued 160,984 $0.079 $12,717 Conversion of securities
25/07/24 Josef Kaderavek Expiry 482,955 $0.079 $38,153 As advised by the company
25/07/24 Josef Kaderavek Exercise 160,984 $0.079 $12,717 Conversion of securities
20/12/23 Josef Kaderavek Issued 852,985 $0.235 $200,451 Issue of securities
20/12/23 Robert McDonald Issued 79,713 $0.251 $20,000 Director remuneration
20/12/23 Robert Biancardi Issued 79,713 $0.251 $20,000 Director remuneration
20/12/23 Hugh Keller Issued 79,713 $0.251 $20,000 Director remuneration
21/08/23 Josef Kaderavek Exercise 1,624,750 $0.315 $511,796 Conversion of securities
21/08/23 Josef Kaderavek Issued 1,624,750 $0.315 $511,796 Conversion of securities
08/06/23 Josef Kaderavek Buy +44,444 $0.225 $10,000 On-market trade
13/01/23 Robert Biancardi Sell +60,000 $0.64 ($38,391) On-market trade
12/01/23 Robert Biancardi Sell +110,500 $0.64 ($70,704) On-market trade
11/01/23 Robert Biancardi Sell +70,000 $0.64 ($44,790) On-market trade
19/12/22 Robert McDonald Issued 29,028 $0.689 $20,000 Director remuneration
19/12/22 Robert Biancardi Issued 29,028 $0.689 $20,000 Director remuneration
19/12/22 Josef Kaderavek Issued 351,055 $0.55 $193,080 Issue of securities
19/12/22 Hugh Keller Issued 29,028 $0.689 $20,000 Director remuneration
07/12/22 Robert Biancardi Sell +90,000 $0.66 ($59,400) On-market trade
07/12/22 Josef Kaderavek Issued 40,516 $0.58 $23,499 Rights issue
07/12/22 Robert McDonald Issued 152,756 $0.58 $88,598 Rights issue
07/12/22 Robert Biancardi Sell +90,000 $0.66 ($59,400) On-market trade
07/12/22 Robert Biancardi Issued 415,094 $0.58 $240,754 Rights issue
07/12/22 Hugh Keller Issued 185,048 $0.58 $107,327 Rights issue
07/12/22 Hugh Keller Issued 74,803 $0.58 $43,385 Rights issue
06/12/22 Robert Biancardi Sell +115,000 $0.66 ($75,900) On-market trade
24/11/22 Hugh Keller Sell +100,000 $0.665 ($66,500) On-market trade
22/07/22 Josef Kaderavek Buy +28,095 $0.75 $21,071 On-market trade
22/07/22 Josef Kaderavek Sell +28,095 $0.717 ($20,142) On-market trade
12/07/22 Josef Kaderavek Buy +31,632 $0.632 $19,999 On-market trade
04/04/22 Robert McDonald Buy +333,333 $1.03 $343,332 Conversion of securities
04/04/22 Robert McDonald Exercise 333,333 $1.03 $343,332 Conversion of securities
04/04/22 Robert Biancardi Buy +333,333 $1.03 $343,332 Conversion of securities
04/04/22 Robert Biancardi Exercise 333,333 $1.03 $343,332 Conversion of securities
04/04/22 Hugh Keller Buy +333,333 $1.03 $343,332 Conversion of securities
04/04/22 Hugh Keller Exercise 333,333 $1.03 $343,332 Conversion of securities
28/01/22 Robert McDonald Buy +333,334 $0.49 $163,333 Conversion of securities
28/01/22 Robert McDonald Exercise 333,334 $0.49 $163,333 Conversion of securities
28/01/22 Robert Biancardi Buy +333,334 $0.49 $163,333 Conversion of securities
28/01/22 Robert Biancardi Exercise 333,334 $0.49 $163,333 Conversion of securities
28/01/22 Hugh Keller Buy +333,334 $0.49 $163,333 Conversion of securities
28/01/22 Hugh Keller Exercise 333,334 $0.49 $163,333 Conversion of securities
22/12/21 Robert McDonald Issued 1,000,000 $0.39 $390,000 Issue of securities
22/12/21 Robert McDonald Buy +281,250 $0.25 $70,312 Exercise of options
22/12/21 Robert McDonald Exercise 750,000 $0.094 $70,312 Exercise of options
22/12/21 Robert McDonald Issued 54,342 $0.368 $20,000 Director remuneration
22/12/21 Robert Biancardi Issued 1,000,000 $0.39 $390,000 Issue of securities
22/12/21 Robert Biancardi Buy +187,500 $0.25 $46,875 Exercise of options
22/12/21 Robert Biancardi Exercise 500,000 $0.094 $46,875 Exercise of options
22/12/21 Robert Biancardi Issued 54,342 $0.368 $20,000 Director remuneration
22/12/21 Josef Kaderavek Issued 2,511,468 $0.39 $979,472 Issue of securities
22/12/21 Josef Kaderavek Buy +336,692 $0.297 $99,997 Issue of securities
22/12/21 Hugh Keller Issued 1,000,000 $0.39 $390,000 Issue of securities
22/12/21 Hugh Keller Buy +187,500 $0.25 $46,875 Exercise of options
22/12/21 Hugh Keller Exercise 500,000 $0.094 $46,875 Exercise of options
22/12/21 Hugh Keller Issued 54,342 $0.368 $20,000 Director remuneration
27/10/21 Robert Biancardi Transfer 239,743 $0.285 $68,326 Off-market transfer
27/10/21 Robert Biancardi Transfer 239,743 $0.285 $68,326 Off-market transfer
07/07/21 Josef Kaderavek Buy +172,413 $0.29 $49,999 On-market trade
30/06/21 Josef Kaderavek Buy +395,370 $0.271 $107,226 On-market trade
07/12/20 Robert McDonald Issued 208,333 $0.096 $20,000 Director remuneration
07/12/20 Hugh Keller Issued 208,333 $0.096 $20,000 Director remuneration
07/12/20 Josef Kaderavek Issued 1,348,039 $0.102 $137,499 Director remuneration
07/12/20 Robert Biancardi Issued 208,333 $0.096 $20,000 Director remuneration
09/09/20 Robert McDonald Buy +157,895 $0.095 $15,000 Participation in share purchase plan
09/09/20 Robert McDonald Transfer 159,068 $0.095 $15,111 Off-market transfer
09/09/20 Robert McDonald Transfer 159,068 $0.095 $15,111 Off-market transfer
09/09/20 Hugh Keller Buy +210,527 $0.095 $20,000 Participation in share purchase plan
09/09/20 Hugh Keller Buy +210,527 $0.095 $20,000 Participation in share purchase plan
09/09/20 Josef Kaderavek Buy +394,738 $0.095 $37,500 Participation in share purchase plan
09/09/20 Robert Biancardi Buy +40,000 $0.095 $3,800 Participation in share purchase plan
22/07/20 Josef Kaderavek Buy +45,000 $0.114 $5,110 On-market trade
17/03/20 Josef Kaderavek Buy +100,000 $0.096 $9,613 On-market trade
13/03/20 Josef Kaderavek Buy +100,000 $0.10 $10,000 On-market trade
13/03/20 Josef Kaderavek Buy +100,000 $0.10 $10,000 On-market trade
24/12/19 Robert McDonald Issued 159,068 $0.137 $21,869 Director remuneration
24/12/19 Hugh Keller Issued 179,769 $0.137 $24,716 Director remuneration
24/12/19 Josef Kaderavek Issued 500,000 $0.15 $75,000 Issue of securities
24/12/19 Robert Biancardi Issued 199,743 $0.137 $27,462 Director remuneration
11/06/19 Hugh Keller Issued 350,000 $0.043 $15,100 Rights issue
11/06/19 Josef Kaderavek Issued 462,585 $0.12 $55,510 Rights issue
11/06/19 Robert Biancardi Issued 158,333 $0.12 $19,000 Rights issue
03/06/19 Josef Kaderavek Buy +149,500 $0.14 $20,925 On-market trade
01/04/19 Robert Biancardi Issued 500,000 $0.25 $125,000 Issue of options
01/04/19 Robert McDonald Issued 750,000 $0.25 $187,500 Issue of options
01/04/19 Hugh Keller Issued 500,000 $0.25 $125,000 Issue of options
21/12/18 Josef Kaderavek Issued 750,000 $0.195 $146,250 Issue of options
22/11/18 Robert Biancardi Buy +130,000 $0.228 $29,688 On-market trade
15/11/18 Josef Kaderavek Buy +59,000 $0.22 $12,980 On-market trade
01/11/18 Josef Kaderavek Buy +91,500 $0.22 $20,122 On-market trade
10/08/18 Hugh Keller Buy +2,461 $0.401 $988 On-market trade
06/08/18 Hugh Keller Buy +10,020 $0.415 $4,161 On-market trade
12/12/17 Matthew Hill Buy +500,000 $0.61 $305,000 As advised by the company

Director Interests

The current holdings of COB directors.

Director Last Notice Direct Shares Indirect Shares Options Convertibles
Josef Kaderavek 25/07/2024 500,000 8,682,163 0 N/A
Hugh Keller 20/12/2023 2,044,261 822,830 0 N/A
Robert Biancardi 20/12/2023 829,750 4,120,538 0 N/A

Shareholder Info

Top 20 Shareholders

Data supplied by Morningstar and accurate on Sep 4, 2023.

It's not possible to publish a real-time Top 20 Shareholder list. Companies are not obliged to report this data (with the exception of Substantial Shareholders above 5%). If a company chooses to publish the data, it's usually once a year in their Annual Report.

All data is manually compiled so there might be a delay between the Annual Report being published and the data appearing on Market Index (<7 days for ASX 300 and up to 30 days for micro-caps).

Name Shares Capital
Citicorp Nominees Pty Limited 22,955,579 6.12%
Hsbc Custody Nominees (Australia) Limited 8,271,935 2.20%
BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Ltd <IB AU Noms Retailclient DRP> 8,071,415 2.15%
Mr Josef Thomas Kaderavek and Mrs Ariane Louise Kaderavek <Kaderavek Family A/C> 5,874,973 1.57%
Pearce Financial Services Pty Ltd <Tom Pearce Superfund A/C> 5,540,000 1.48%
Mrs Katie Elizabeth Reece 4,568,000 1.22%
American Rare Earths Limited 4,396,001 1.17%
Zacob Pty Ltd <R&L Biancardi Super Fund A/C> 4,120,538 1.10%
St Ives No5 Pty Ltd <St Ives No5 A/C> 3,998,276 1.07%
Mr Robert Thomas Virgona 3,418,383 0.91%
BNP Paribas Nominees Pty Ltd Acf Clearstream 3,323,463 0.89%
Bnp Paribas Noms Pty Ltd <Drp> 3,303,275 0.88%
Minerals And Residues Pty Ltd <Andrew & Lisa Tong Fam A/C> 3,162,798 0.84%
Hill Family Group Pty Ltd 3,100,000 0.83%
Mr Paul Stuart Nichols and Ms Therese Mary Nichols <Nichols Super Fund A/C> 2,835,000 0.75%
Emnara Pty Ltd <Danny Morgan Family A/C> 2,784,333 0.73%
Aligned Capital Partnership Pty Ltd <Aligned C Partnership A/C> 2,714,561 0.72%
Mr Josef Thomas Kaderavek and Mrs Ariane Louise Kaderavek <Kaderavek Superfund A/C> 2,646,206 0.70%
Coonan Family Superannuation Fund Pty Ltd <Coonan Family S/F A/C> 2,500,000 0.67%
Mr Peter John Brunton 2,478,216 0.66%

Shareholder Distribution

As reported in the most recent Annual Report.

The most recent Annual Report didn't contain Shareholder Distribution data.

Substantial Shareholders

No Substantial Shareholders for COB in our database.

Shareholders Buying

12 month transaction history compiled from ASX announcements.

No buy transactions reported by Substantial Shareholders in the past 12 months.

Shareholders Selling

12 month transaction history compiled from ASX announcements.

No sell transactions reported by Substantial Shareholders in the past 12 months.

Historical Data

Share Price History

Date Close Change %Chg Open High Low Volume Turnover

Historical Data

Year Closing Price Last Trade
2024 $0.082 28 June
2023 $0.265 30 June
2022 $0.62 30 June
2021 $0.27 30 June
2020 $0.095 30 June
2019 $0.13 28 June
2018 $0.96 29 June
2017 $0.175 30 June
COB Historical Price Data (CSV)
Up to 20 years of EOD share price history

Important note:

All year-end and CSV data is "as traded on the day" and ignores corporate actions (e.g. share splits)

Market Index, ASX and Morningstar Logos

All data on this page is supplied by the ASX, Morningstar and Market Index. Read the disclaimer.