Mr Sorel is a senior executive in the mining and minerals sector with over 45 years of experience across company leadership, operations, commerce and marketing and has experience in global metals and industrial minerals markets. Mr Sorel was previously Chief Operating Officer at Traxys Sarl (Traxys), an organisation that he led, developed and helped grow over a period of 16 years. Before joining Traxys, Mr Sorel also held the following executive positions: President of Metaleurop S.A., , Usinor Group (now ArcelorMittal), Finance Director at Amax, Europe SA. Mr Sorel is currently a director of Traxys Europe S.A. and was previously a director of Traxys UK Ltd and the Societe Luxembourgeoise de Commerce International S.A. Additionally, Mr Sorel was the Traxys Legal representative for the Group companies in China and Hong Kong.